Developing a contextualized card game to enhance productive skills in the English as a foreign language classroom
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Contextualization, Game-based learning, Pedagogical resources, Language-learning materialsResumen
Aim: This study outlines the development of a contextualized card game aimed at enhancing productive skills for English as a foreign language (EFL) students in Ñuble, Chile. Recognizing the importance of contextualization in language learning, the researchers designed a game centered around iconic places of Ñuble to address the challenges of accessing meaningful language-learning materials. Methodology: The process was developed in four distinct phases: planning, curricular alignment, designing, and socialization. Each phase contributed to refining the instructional material, culminating in a set of 14 cards. These cards served as an avenue to explore the insights from three groups of participants – learners, teachers, and academics – and to identify the game's effectiveness in enhancing productive skills. Results: Findings indicate positive appraisals on the game's contextualization, showing a potential to motivate learners towards English language learning. Participants also recognized the game's flexible use in the EFL classroom and acknowledged its effectiveness in strengthening oral and written tasks. Conclusion: This initiative represents an innovative approach to leveraging local contexts for engaging language learning tools. Future research can build upon these findings to explore the effects of similar instructional materials in diverse educational settings.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Jessica Vega-Abarzúa, Valeria Guerra Budini, Camila Benevente Rubio (Autor/a)
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